Dictated Blog Post & Book Blogging

I recently downloaded the Samsung Voice App so that I can record my book reviews for the YouTube channel. I have a subscription to Dragon Anywhere, but in this economy, I think that I could use that $15 for something else. So now I’m trying the speech-to-text feature for the first time.

My first attempt at this paragraph is in the footnotes. I couldn’t figure out how to make it into a block quote. Hopefully I’ll figure it out someday.*

Also, spoilers for Little Women follow. If you haven’t read Little Women, what are you doing here? Go read Little Women! (<– Project Gutenberg Link)

The thought occurs, that I could maybe post those things both places? You know, as an audio file on YouTube and as text here?

Additionally, as I began this walk tonight, I was thinking about the term “book blogging.” Originally, from what I can remember, a blog was like a journal. The aim was to write every day. I am *so* close to having this year be my second-most-read year (my first year I got a lot of . . . spam views? Like random views that I’m pretty sure couldn’t’ve been actual people) and if I can just get into the swing of posting daily, I might even be able to exceed the number of views I got in that spam year.

My thought was that if I were to, like, actually write out what’s happening in the book I’m reading. Granted, there would be a lot of spoilers for the book that I’m reading doing it this way.

My first post would be pretty simple: this book is the story of the March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth. and Amy, who live in genteel poverty with their mother in Massachusetts. Their father is a chaplain working with the military during the Civil War. Despite their poverty, they will manage to have a servant, Hannah, because that’s just the way things rolled in those days. Ladies just didn’t do their own housework.

Future posts would be: They met their new neighbor boy Laurie Laurence. This give name is Theodore, but apparently Teddy was just a nickname for Edward back then, and not Theodore. Laurie lives with his cranky grandfather.

Eventually, though, it’d be: Welp. Beth just died and everyone has plunged into a deep depression.

There’d just be no way to keep that from happening, I think. think you’re beat I guess there’d be no way to avoid that sort of thing.

I probably can’t start now, since I’m halfway through my current book, The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Germane Amazon Link!). I’m beginning to worry a bit. I’m halfway through the book, like, literally at the middle of the book, and I don’t know what’s going to happen to fill the rest of it. I guess I’ll see.

Now, I’ve edited and fleshed out a lot of what I wrote on my walk. At this point, I discovered that either I was talking too fast or the app was too slow, but I had been talking for five minutes, and the app took a while to catch up.

I then blocked it and copied it into an email, then emailed it to myself and blocked and copied it into the blog. And here we are.

*Dictated block post through the Samsung voice app period do care abor bad what’s the hell this works, I hope that it’s okay, because I’m real tired of paying for the dragon dictate the dragon app that I was subbed well-paying for period so last night I used this app to dictate what I’m hoping will be a YouTube video about my history with reading

YouTube Channel — Book Reviews

This is going to be a fast one. I hope.

I think I probably need to prewrite my book reviews for my YouTube channel and then record the vocals and have Alex edit them together with images of the book (and my arthritic hands!) in the park I’m using for the video.

I’m seeing figures of 150 words per minute for voiceover. I guess that means that a 10-minute book review (I need to refresh my memory, but once upon a time videos needed to be 10 minutes to be monetized) would be about 1500 words.


Well, a journey of 1,000 miles starts with the first step, I’d better get started planning.

I don’t know if an Amazon Link for a post about book reviews would by definition be Germane or not. So here’s a G* Amazon Link: The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, by Paige McKenzie and Alyssa Sheinmel. McKenzie has a YouTube channel about living in a haunted house. This was years before I became a YouTube addict (I mostly watch educational stuff. Mostly.) and I don’t remember if I’ve ever checked out her channel. Anyhow, based on this channel, McKenzie and Sheinmel wrote a trilogy about a girl who can see ghosts. It was really pretty good. I loaned my copy to Phoenix. Did I ever get it back?

Will I Be Remembered in 100 Years?

I was frittering around on, I think it was YouTube, but maybe it was Facebook a while ago and someone asked if “you” would be remembered in 100 years. And I had to answer with a resounding,”Maybe.”

I mean, for one thing, define “remembered.” If you’re asking if anyone alive today will still be alive *to* remember me in 100 years, well, if Evelyn’s daughter makes it to 100 years and six months, that will, in fact, be 100 years from now and I certainly hope that Evelyn and I will stay friends long enough for her to still remember me at that point.

If you mean if someone who will know me during the rest of my life will still remember me in 2123, even if they haven’t remembered me for that whole time, I mean it seems likely? I’m not old yet, and still should have decades left to go. If I live 30 more years, and, say, Alex has a child in another 15 years or so, my grandchild will be 15 when I die. If that “child” lives to be 85, then Bob’s your uncle. I’m remembered in 100 years.

What if it’s not me, personally, that’s remembered? What if it’s a trace of my existence that’s remembered. I write, and I take photographs, and I knit, and I’ve made the odd piece of jewelry. If every single one of those things are wiped out before 2123, then I suspect society will have bigger problems than whether I’m remembered.

Does archaeology count? What if something catastrophic happens and one of my knitting pieces is found in the wreckage of what used to be San Antonio, or if I make something, like a shawl or a blanket, which is passed down through the years and someone remembered that their great-grandmother’s friend made that for their grandmother. I mean, it’s been at least 100 years, and my name’s gone from the story, but I’m being remembered. Right?

So it seems that there is a better than 0%, but maybe not a 100%, chance that I will be remembered, in one way or another.

So, a resounding “maybe.”

Today’s Gratuitous Amazon Link brings us back to the Riordanverse, this time with the first Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard book, The Sword of Summer. For once, we don’t have to worry about how our hero, in this case, Annabeth’s cousin Magnus, will survive the adventure, because he doesn’t. Yep. The whole series starts with the death of the protagonist. Magnus then ascends to Valhalla and the story progresses from there.

I’ve Had an Epiphany

Well, sort of.

I just realized that these old photos are good for more than (a) my own curiosity and (b) potential use in YouTube videos.

One of my back-burner kids’ books is a steampunk book about a pair of siblings traveling between San Antonio and Chicago on a train. Why San Antonio and Chicago? Because I’ve lived in both places and so I think I can get more of a feeling of what it’s like to have boots on the ground there, versus, like, Louisville, Kentucky or Billings, Montana or something.

I’ve taken the Amtrak between the two cities twice, so I know where the stops are/were/would be on a train trip.

And I now have a good source of photos showing what things would look like in a steampunk world here. Maybe, just maybe, the people the siblings travel with are visiting the Star Film Ranch south of downtown?

I think I might be on to something here.

I was hoping to use something steampunk-y for my Amazon link today, but I really couldn’t come up with anything, so let’s just keep going chronologically. Today, we have a Gratuitous Amazon Link. Diane Duane grew up on Long Island, which explains why that’s Nita and Kit’s normal stomping grounds in the Young Wizards books. Duane now lives in Ireland, and she nods to her newer home in the fourth book in the series, A Wizard Abroad. I love this whole series, but one of the characters in this just rubbed me the wrong way. He’s a fan favorite, though, and he does grow on me in subsequent books.

Thoughts on San Antonio Historical Photo Project

I’m in the Ds now going through the photos on UTSA’s website. In fact, I’m skimming photos that start with “Dr.” right now.

One of the things that makes me pause are photos of historic houses that were taken in 1968. I always go, “Ooh! That house looks old! Oh. Never Mind.”

You see, when they were planning the World’s Fair, San Antonio wasn’t actually that big. For some reason, when the city decided where to put the fair, they put it where a neighborhood was. These photos were taken to memorialize the houses of that neighborhood.

It was the 1960s, and “urban renewal,” which means basically tearing down buildings that were considered to be “urban blight.” In the case of Hemisfair, they tore down a residential neighborhood of about 300 houses, called Germantown.

They saved 22 of the houses for use in the fair, but the rest of the houses are nothing but memories and photographs now. And, of course, the houses that were saved were purchased by eminent domain (which is where the government can basically force you to sell to them) and the families that lived in them were also displaced.

For a city that prides itself on its pride in its history, that’s a damn shame.

Search Engine Optimization

I guess that if I’m going to try to make money at either writing or YouTube or TikTok or whatever, I probably need to figure out how to work an algorithm.

Crap. Where do I even start on this?

I’ve toyed with those on-line keyword tools, but they keep giving me basically garbage. One tool, for example, suggests “blog search” as a keyword for this blog. I talk about travel, books, and history here.

When I put “book reviews” in on another site, it gives me a list of best sellers to, I don’t know, write about? Compare the books I’ve reviewed to? Just mention in passing to get hits?

As to my historical photo collection plan, of 200 pages of photos, I’m on about page 30. Some things I can just scan over, like pictures that start with “Captain,” which I just passed, and was followed soon after with “Carl.” I want buildings and landscapes, not portraits, so those are easy.

Lots and lots of the photos are of HemisFair ’68, which was the World’s Fair when it was held here. Those are great photos, highly historical, and very interesting, but not in the public domain, and therefore not of interest for this project.

Today’s Gratuitous Amazon Link is maybe not so gratuitous, since it’s about southern history and so is my photo collection plan. Maybe? It’s The Haunting of Derek Stone, which was published as a four-book series, but which feels largely like one really big middle grade book. Derek is 14 when he experiences a catastrophic train accident, during which his father and brother both disappear into a ravine. I’m going to link to the first book, City of The Dead, but would feel odd linking to the others in subsequent posts, since it feels like one long book to me.

Current Project — Historical Photographs!

I will probably wonder until my dying day what happened to the photos Thomas and I took between our wedding and the purchase of our first digital camera, which I think was a Sony Mavica from 1997.

I mean, they should be around here somewhere. Right?

What I really would like is pictures we took of San Antonio in 1993 through 1997.

I don’t know where our earliest digital photos are. I suspect that Thomas has them somewhere.

What I would like to do, both here and on my YouTube channel, is compare public domain historical pictures (so prior to 1928) with my own photos, the older the better. I’m currently going through the photo collection from the University of Texas at San Antonio

I will probably go and take current pictures of all of these places for comparison purposes. But having a 1920 picture, a 1994 picture, and a 2023 picture would be even better.

I’m going to have a semi-Germane Amazon Link today, Miraflores, San Antonio’s Mexican Garden of Memory, by Anne Elise Urritia. I’m linking to the paperback version simply because there are a lot of photos, maps, diagrams, etc, and I think it might be easier to flip back and forth in a physical copy. I’ve long been fascinated by Miraflores, which sits along Hildebrand Road near Broadway, and so when I saw a book on it with historical photos, I snatched it right up. Miraflores is owned by the city now, and maybe someday I can safely go and explore it.

YouTube Channel

In order to monetize my YouTube channel (I would like to make money here, but I am starting this YouTube channel specifically to make money), my videos need to be a particular length.

My first attempt is going to be a longish short. I think I’m going to have Alex stitch the short pieces together and just post it as-is, then once I’ve had a year or so of posting under my belt, I’m going to try the same video so that we can see how much/if my skills have improved.

I think maybe I need to do a trailer or something just to get my feet wet on longer videos. I want to write up a script on my history with regard to San Antonio and then sit down with Alex and go over historical photos of the city (and thus those that are in the public domain) to weave the two together in a way that makes sense and also reaches the time limit to monetize the video.


Today’s Gratuitous Amazon Link is The Runaways, by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. I have long loved Snyder’s writing. And the fact that her books span so many genres doesn’t hurt either. The Runaways is a book about Dani and her friends Stormy and Pixie. Dani hates the town of Rattler Springs, Nevada, where she and her mother live, and she very much wants to go home to California. Stormy wants, for reasons of his own, to go with her. Pixie has a “big imagination” and also has enough money to help Dani and Stormy with their plans to escape. Snyder wrote The Runaways in 2000, when I was already an adult, but I’m sure I would have loved it just as much had it come out when I was a kid.

My First Novel

I’ve been working on something that I keep hoping will be my first novel. I keep bumping into the problem that I don’t know who the characters are, and therefore don’t know what they’ll do.

I’m thinking about cheating and making my characters original characters in a fanfiction story. I’ve had pretty good luck with that technique. I’ve created love interests, friends, family members, all sorts of things in all sorts of fandoms. I can flesh out the original characters by watching how they react to the characters in the fandom.

Right now I feel like I’m playing handball against drapes. There’s nothing for my characters to really *do* because there’s nothing for them to react to. Does that make sense?

And then I can scrape the serial numbers off of the fandom characters and have them be family and friends back home.

I may be onto something here.

I wonder if I have any books in any fandoms that I could base this in, and then use that as a Germane Amazon Link?

Well, until then, here’s a Gratuitous Amazon Link: Book 4 of Rick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus, The House of Hades. Riordan finds his balancing-six-pov-characters groove. Yay!

Decluttering Project — Yarn

So. Much. Yarn.

This story starts in 1974. Ish. 1973? Maybe?

Anyway, my aunt was pregnant and my mom decided to learn to knit so that she could make something for the baby. So she bought two skeins of yarn and a pair of #4 knitting needles and started taking knitting classes from one of her friends.

Turns out she couldn’t make heads or tails out of what Lois was telling her, so she gave up.

Around that time, I got away from my parents in the basement of the store that was currently in the Marshall Field & Co. Building. When I got away, I found their yarn department. I so longed to touch all of that yarn and I would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for my meddling parents. They told me that yarn was for people who knit.

I decided then and there that someday, somehow, I was going to learn how to knit.

When I became a teenager, I told my mom that I was going to learn how to knit. Her response? “If I couldn’t learn how to knit, you can’t learn how to knit.”

I learned how to knit.

I recently started updating my Ravelry account with all of my yarns and projects, and I knew I had more yarn than I’d been able to find so far. I found a bunch of it, some of which is going to be a longer-term untangling project.

Gratuitous Amazon Link! We’re finishing off Kevin Crossley-Holland’s Arthur trilogy with King of the Middle March, in which Arthur goes off to the Fourth Crusade. The Fourth Crusade was a G.D. mess. The army of crusaders couldn’t pay for their ships with the result that, rather than “freeing” Jerusalem from the Muslims, the crusader army ended up sacking two Christian cities.