Dictated Blog Post & Book Blogging

I recently downloaded the Samsung Voice App so that I can record my book reviews for the YouTube channel. I have a subscription to Dragon Anywhere, but in this economy, I think that I could use that $15 for something else. So now I’m trying the speech-to-text feature for the first time.

My first attempt at this paragraph is in the footnotes. I couldn’t figure out how to make it into a block quote. Hopefully I’ll figure it out someday.*

Also, spoilers for Little Women follow. If you haven’t read Little Women, what are you doing here? Go read Little Women! (<– Project Gutenberg Link)

The thought occurs, that I could maybe post those things both places? You know, as an audio file on YouTube and as text here?

Additionally, as I began this walk tonight, I was thinking about the term “book blogging.” Originally, from what I can remember, a blog was like a journal. The aim was to write every day. I am *so* close to having this year be my second-most-read year (my first year I got a lot of . . . spam views? Like random views that I’m pretty sure couldn’t’ve been actual people) and if I can just get into the swing of posting daily, I might even be able to exceed the number of views I got in that spam year.

My thought was that if I were to, like, actually write out what’s happening in the book I’m reading. Granted, there would be a lot of spoilers for the book that I’m reading doing it this way.

My first post would be pretty simple: this book is the story of the March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth. and Amy, who live in genteel poverty with their mother in Massachusetts. Their father is a chaplain working with the military during the Civil War. Despite their poverty, they will manage to have a servant, Hannah, because that’s just the way things rolled in those days. Ladies just didn’t do their own housework.

Future posts would be: They met their new neighbor boy Laurie Laurence. This give name is Theodore, but apparently Teddy was just a nickname for Edward back then, and not Theodore. Laurie lives with his cranky grandfather.

Eventually, though, it’d be: Welp. Beth just died and everyone has plunged into a deep depression.

There’d just be no way to keep that from happening, I think. think you’re beat I guess there’d be no way to avoid that sort of thing.

I probably can’t start now, since I’m halfway through my current book, The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Germane Amazon Link!). I’m beginning to worry a bit. I’m halfway through the book, like, literally at the middle of the book, and I don’t know what’s going to happen to fill the rest of it. I guess I’ll see.

Now, I’ve edited and fleshed out a lot of what I wrote on my walk. At this point, I discovered that either I was talking too fast or the app was too slow, but I had been talking for five minutes, and the app took a while to catch up.

I then blocked it and copied it into an email, then emailed it to myself and blocked and copied it into the blog. And here we are.

*Dictated block post through the Samsung voice app period do care abor bad what’s the hell this works, I hope that it’s okay, because I’m real tired of paying for the dragon dictate the dragon app that I was subbed well-paying for period so last night I used this app to dictate what I’m hoping will be a YouTube video about my history with reading