Scheduling Writing, Part 2

Wow. I started trying to schedule my writing and immediately blew it.

Let’s see. I worked on my novel on my lunch hour for one and a half days. I actually wrote the first day. On the second I was about to write and suddenly it hit me that if the people of the island that may well end up with the name Santa Chiara are so eco-conscious, then they’d probably want to be served by electric, rather than gas-powered passenger boats. So I stopped writing to see if that’s possible. And I found a few concept vehicles like that, but nothing in production. I’ve decided that that’s close enough.

Then, on Friday, I used my writing time to figure out what to do about my phone. My phone locks up and reboots for no apparent reason, and since I am one of those unlucky people who had Sprint and are being migrated over to T-Mobile, I’ll need to put a new SIM card in to make it work anyhow, I’ve figured that maybe I should just get a new phone. I asked the phone guy at my store about getting a Galaxy S22 or whatever the newest phone is and found that T-Mobile will need to migrate my plan over by hand so that I can use the T-Mobile version of the phone.

I worked Sunday, but on Sunday, I only get half an hour lunch, so I didn’t have any noveling time then.

So, tonight, I couldn’t sleep because details are backing up in my brain since I haven’t been able to put them into actual writing since Wednesday. I’m not even supposed to be up now (it’s 1 am on Monday, June 6* as I write this). I was going to go to bed early so that I can get up early and get my walking in before the heat hits. Then I lay awake trying to sleep instead of, what’s the meme? About some people being able to sleep instead of plotting seven-book epic fantasy series or broiling in existential dread? I can’t figure out how to post it here, but the author is C.G. Drews, who posts on Instagram under @paperfury.

Yeah. That’s the kind of night I’m having.

Gratuitous Amazon Link time! I know I’ve done this one before, but it’s a goody, so I’m posting it again. Solutions and Other Problems, by Allie Brosh. So funny and relatable and just amazing. If I didn’t have 400 books in my to-read, I’d probably go back and reread this again.

*I remembered that today is the birthday of one of my childhood friends and then I spent half an hour trying to figure out what he’s up to these days.

Welcome to April 2021!

NaNoWriMo April 2021, part 1

Just one quick post while I try to figure out how to get any sleep at all tonight.

I have to be at work early-for-me, and it’s nearly 12:30. Augh!

I was just about ready to settle down and I noticed that I was actually sweating and I wasn’t even under the covers. So I got up and found that my dad had put the heat on.

So, I’m running the air conditioner for a while in hopes that I can get the temperature in the house down to something comfortable enough to sleep in.

Then, in a few more minutes, I’ll turn the climate control system off entirely for the night and head off to bed.

I’m going to throw a Gratuitous Amazon Link in here, but I’m really over the Discworld books. So I’m going to skip the rest and move on. So, next up is the end of one of Rick Riordan’s non-Greek/Roman mythology series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 3: The Ship of the Dead. As always, I love Riordan’s writing and this series was amazing. We join Magnus and his compatriots as they try to avert Ragnarok.